Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boomers, Time To Reunite Under The Banner of Main Street

Wall Street,Banks, AIG, Illegal Aliens...Time For Main Street Retribution?

Is Your Main Street America Dream Worth Standing Up For, Protesting For, Dying For? Wake Up Main Street, It Is US OR THEM...Stand Up, Be Heard, Or Be Enslaved.

For those in the crowd who are news junkies today has been filled with a certain amusement as we watch the pundits make the Sunday Morning circuit of news shows, attempting to diffuse the anger on Main Street. The basic spiel goes something like, "We have to put the bonus money in its proper perspective, time for Americans to move on to more important issues...after all, these bonuses represent less than...blah, blah...blah, blah and blah. I can agree with the putting it all in perspective part.

So far, Main Street America has been put on the hook for two trillion dollars (and growing).

We have been forced to bail out both Wall Street and Main Street.

Of the $180 Billion promised to AIG, over $80 Billion (and growing went right in the front door and out the back door to banks in foreign countries!

We are going to be told on Monday that we have to take on the financial responsibility (as taxpayers) another $2 Trillion dollars to buy up the Toxic Assets that are floating around...what they do not want you too know, is we are going to be the BACKSTOP that will allow the banks we BAILED OUT to buy those assets from themselves with our money AT BARGAIN BASEMENT PRICES.

While 12.5 Million LEGAL AMERICANS are out of work, the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, Border Patrol and President Obama refuse to take any actions against the seven million illegal aliens that STILL HAVE fact, the TWO CUNTS PELOSI and NAPOLITANO (YES, I SAID CUNTS!!!) have said enforcement of OUR LAWS, conducting ENFORCEMENT RAIDS is CRUEL!

President Obama demanded that E Verify be kept out of the Stimulus a result of this reality, 300,000 Stimulus Jobs PAID FOR WITH OUR TAXES will go to ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Senator Dodd, Treasury Secretary Geithner and President OBama lied to us about what they knew regarding AIG bonus money, and when they knew about it.

The list could go on, but Main Street Americans should be able to look at this list and realize it is time to nip Obama's AGENDA in the bud. It is time that Main Street Americans begin MAKING DEMANDS IN WASHINGTON, DC, and if necessary be prepared to take to the streets in seeing our demands MET...enough LIP SERVICE. In short, I am stating for the record, THE TIME HAS COME FOR RETRIBUTION.

1. We want Everify, and we want it mandatory FOR ALL BUSINESSES effective immediately, and we want it fully funded.


3. We want Treasury Secretary Geithner GONE. We are talking RESIGNATION, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.

4. YOUR PLAN FOR buying up TOXIC ASSETS does not work for Main Street...we are not willing to have our money PUT ON THE LINE so that the rich can use it to buy up TOXIC ASSETS to cash in later at HUGE PROFIT. LET AIG and other Wall Street groups including banks FAIL! How much more can we get hurt are already trying to force BOOMERS to accept a reality that they have to work till they are 68-72 so that you can reel in Social Security.

5. YOUR BUDGET Mr. PRESIDENT...FUCK IT TOO....we do not want THAT DEBT. Take your Health care and MOST OF YOUR Energy plan and PARK THEM! THIS INCLUDES ALL FUNDING AND LOAN GUARANTEES TO NUCLEAR. Simply stated...we in the middle class have suffered enough, and ARE NOT WILLING TO TAKE IT UP THE ASS so you can give what we have left to the poor and illegal aliens. You can come back and discuss these two issues with us once we have seen at least TEN MILLION ILLEGALS SHIPPED OUT OF AMERICA by any means possible, including by the point of a gun held by a member of our military.

To Main Street long are you going to sit on your hands AND TAKE IT FROM A GOVERNMENT THAT HAS NOT PROTECTED YOUR INTERESTS FOR THREE DECADES. Please, WAKE UP...we are at a defining moment in America's history, and our destiny, the destiny of our LEGAL AMERICAN CHILDREN is at risk. Put aside political correctness, and DEMAND RETRIBUTION, MARCH IN THE STREETS, PICKET EVERY AIG BUSINESS LOCATION, put one million people on the street in Front of the White House, organize a sit in at the Washington Office of your elected officials.

Congress has for too long heard from Wall Street, From Banks, From the Insurance Industries, From Lobbyist, and FROM ILLEGAL the time has come for Congress to HEAR MAIN STREET AMERICA LOAD AND CLEAR.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

End The Terrorist Illegal Alien Latino/Mexican Insurgency

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stopping the Terrorist Illegal Alien Insurgency

Dealing With The Illegal Alien Latino/Mexican Insurgency

Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton Watching THEIR INSURGENCY

Time to put aside the Politically Correct, lets be nice to the poor undocumented workers just trying to earn a living stupidity of the UBER Liberal lets grant them Amnesty crowd, and have some straight talk about the Latino/Mexican Illegal Alien Insurgency that is destroying the very fabric of our American Society. Yes, I just called what is going on an insurgency, and what we need is not Comprehensive Immigration Reform, but a serious Counter Insurgency Effort on the part of the United States government bringing all our forces to bear on the problem, including full deployment of our Military Troops on our Southern Border with Mexico.
What is an insurgency?

Insurgency, at least for the sake of this argument is an organized use of subversion with or without use or threat of violence to challenge political control of an area to create space and a platform for the insurgent group's political and economic influence and well being to grow and prosper at the expense of another. (Think of it as large scale Anarchy.) To be successful, these insurgencies require Charismatic Support (Congressman Luis Guirettez, Nancy Pelosi and Senator Reid, as well as the entire Hispanic Congressional Caucus), supporters (Catholic Church and Charities, National Chamber of Commerce, La Raza, MALDEF, ACLU), recruits (12-25 Million Illegal Aliens and their 4.5 million Anchor Babies), the passive acquiescence of a large proportion of the population of a contested area, and safe havens (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Phoenix, Houston, Chicago, New York) to operate out of, and funding (Faith Based Charities and 300,000 jobs from the Stimulus Bill are a good start).

Insurgents seek to effect political change through religious manipulation, piggy backing on a political movement with strong public support and sentiment (Civil Rights), exploiting that cause by claiming similar societal grievances and needs, using persuasion, subversion and coercion to sell their cause. Their goal is to wear out their opponents, exhaust government assets and resolve, while winning just enough public support to force capitulation or political accommodation (AMNESTY).

Leave no doubt, the Illegal Alien Wave sweeping across our nation, stealing away our neighborhoods is an insurgency, and right now THEY ARE WINNING. Congress is thinking about granting them Amnesty disguised as Earned Citizenship under the name of Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Our own President (Obama) publicly stated that E Verify should be left out of the Stimulus Bill as too many Illegal Aliens would lose their about capitulation and political accommodation! Perhaps our Congress, our President need to review their history, need to look back to the capitulation and accommodation given to Illegal Aliens in 1986 when then President Reagan granted some six million illegal aliens Amnesty. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!

The time has come to draw the line in the sand, time for America to take a stand for our own Sovereignty. We should not accommodate Illegal Aliens, we should not capitulate to their political agenda, but instead should mount a counter insurgency, should take back WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS.

What is a Counterinsurgency (COIN)?

Counterinsurgency as used here is a combined effort using military (on our border), law enforcement (Border Patrol, ICE, DHS, law enforcement and judicial assets at all levels of government) too CONTAIN the insurgency (stop the illegal immigration, and deport ALL THOSE HERE ILLEGALLY) and address its root cause (implement E Verify and prosecute those who hire illegal aliens to shut off the jobs magnet). Coin approaches must be agile, swift and decisive. Work place enforcement raids that make immediate arrests of both Illegal Aliens, and COMPANY MANAGEMENT so that a clear signal is being sent that all efforts and resources are going to be used in countering the insurgency, in taking back what has been lost. This counterinsurgency would work better with the support of Mexico, but that is not necessary. Once Corporate America, Mexico and the Illegal Alien population realize that OUR GOVERNMENT (on all levels) is willing to undertake all necessary steps, including political ones to end the insurgency, the insurgents (Illegal Aliens) will self deport, effectively surrendering, admitting that they have been defeated.

This insurgency has seven million illegal aliens working in our Job Market while over 12 million Legal American Citizens are out of work, cannot feed their families...there is no clearer example that the Terrorist Illegal Alien Insurgency is winning this war. The time has come to LIVE FREE OR DIE...what is it going to be America?

Defeating the Illegal Alien Enemy: Attack All Levels of the Threat Complex Simultaneously
The "enemy" comprises a three-fold threat complex:

  • Leaders - Global Actors, including MALDEF, LaRaza, National Chamber of Commerce and associated networks, which provide leadership, resources, inspiration and guidance to Illegal Aliens.
  • Underlying conditions - Local groups, grievances, communal conflicts and societal structures that provide fertile soil in which extremism flourishes, and provide the "fuel" that the illegal alien exploits. Many of these grievances and conflicts are pre-existing and resolving them is a related but separate issue to combating illegal immigration, per se.

    Definition of SAFE HAVEN from a DOD web site document:

Safe Havens - Space that provide a secure base for extremist action, including:

Physical space - failed/failing states, under-governed areas and sponsors who provide safe areas where terrorists train and organize. Many safe havens sit astride international borders, demanding a regional, rather than solely national response.

Cyber space- electro-magnetic and internet-based means for communication, planning, resource transfer and intelligence collection. These means allow terrorists to organize, communicate, spread propaganda and transfer money.

Ideological space - belief systems, ideas and cultural norms that enhance the enemy's freedom of action. These include ethnic identities, religious attitudes and political cultures.

Original Posting Blog

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Obama's FAILING GRADE Well Deserved

Time is running out, Obama's support is slipping in the polls...just in from Americans For Americans this article:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Obama, Pull Your Head Out Of Your Socialist Ass, Grow Some Balls and Start Leading

Illegal Alien Scum Are Ruining America ...Try Enforcement Instead of Ass Kissing President Obama
Face it President Obama, the failing grade you have received from the Wall Street Journal (even if for the wrong reasons) is well deserved. The time has come for you to fire Timothy Geithner who is in WAY OVER HIS HEAD, pull your own head out of your Socialist Ass, stop listening to the Pro Illegal Alien Latino special interest, and start acting like a real leader, instead of a self important black man. You want to earn some respect, want to stop your rapidly slipping poll numbers, going to give you a few pieces of advice.

1. Give Senator Reid marching orders to immediately get E Verify voted on and approved. If you think you can sit on it until you and Congress can pass a Comprehensive Immigration Reform, you are sadly mistaken. Even those Americans that have some sympathy for the plight of Illegal Aliens know it is unfair for 12.5 million Americans to be out of work while over seven million illegal aliens still have jobs. More importantly, no Main Street Americans are going to support 300,000 Stimulus Jobs going to Illegal Aliens.

2. We want work place enforcement, want our immigration laws as written ENFORCED. So tell Janet Napolitano to unleash the hounds. Here is a reality for are in the process of earning the ire of SEVENTY FIVE MILLION BOOMERS Mr. Obama, and I don't care how important the Latino voting block thinks they are, they are piss in the wind compared to 75 million ANGRY BOOMERS. We are going to lose another 2 million jobs before we start pulling out of this recession, so if you think we are going to tolerate your letting seven million illegal aliens keep our jobs, you are wrong...simply stated, you are cooking up a RACE WAR Mr. President, and you can blame the Latino Special Interests, as they are the ones that have tried to make this a race issue instead of a Law and Order issue, they are the ones that have tried to label us BIGOTS for wanting illegal aliens deported, have accused us of hating BROWN PEOPLE. Well you know what...if a illegal alien has stolen our jobs, if an illegal alien is keeping us from feeding our children, and if OUR GOVERNMENT will do nothing about it, we have no choice but to protect ourselves and what is ours. Maybe you best stop sucking up to the Latino voting block President OBama, and realize that seething ANGER ON MAIN STREET...that is not a threat, but an observation from someone that lives on Main Street, has beers with those people you INSULT when you say Illegal Aliens are taking jobs we will not do...SCREW YOU! You pretend you understand...YOU DO NOT!

3. Stop your racist Affirmative Action, Reparations Agenda...that is right, I said it. You march out yesterday and announce the White House Counsel on Women's Issues...curious there Mr. Obama, where is the White House Counsel on Men's Issues? After all, if you even bother reading the news you would know that men are taking the BRUNT of the pain and layoffs in this recent down turn in the economy. Here is another CLUE...SCREW A WORLD ECONOMY! Most Americans could give a rats arse if other nations HAVE OUR STANDARD OF LIVING...especially when seeing that happen means us LOWERING OUR standard of living. Screw China, screw fair trade, screw your belief that Buy American Protectionist actions are not what we want. You may not want that, but you are supposed to TAKE CARE OF US, as in Main Street Americans.

4. Your Socialist Health Care Reform plan...forget about it. Here is a CLUE. Your plan amounts to STEALING HEALTH BENEFITS to Boomers to give to the young adults of this country, to the minorities of this country, and to Illegal Aliens. You want a piece of reality...I, and many of us Boomers did not have health insurance when we were younger either. Speaking for myself, I did not have health coverage until my mid forties. Now that I finally have it you want to take it away, ration what I get? My wife has worked for almost 30 years at the same place, in two years secures Health Insurance for the rest of her/our life, and now you want to take that benefit she worked over 30 years for away? Want to ration the coverage we get, expect us to go stand on CUE to say get a Hip Replacement? I got a better idea...deport the illegal aliens, and tell the young people their turn will come, just like OURS DID.

I've got some more suggestions, but already know you are not listening. First, I am not rich, second I am not black, thirdly I am not a woman, and lastly I am not a Latino or Illegal Alien.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Please Write Your Elected Officials In Washington DC

People in this crowd picture from a AMNESTY Protest who are in America Illegally are not undocumented Citizens/Immigrants, but common low life criminals...ACCEPT THAT FACT OBAMA!

Again Senator Reid, Nancy Pelosi and President Obama have placed the desires of Illegal Aliens ahead of the desires and needs of Legal American Citizens who find themselves out of work, struggling to feed their families while CRIMINAL COMPANIES here in America still employ over seven million criminal illegal aliens. We are asking our readers to use the following template to write their elected officials in Washington DC. Demand full long term funding and implementation of E Verify, and demand that President Obama give Secretary's Holder and Napoliano their marching orders. Take all necessary steps including major work place enforcement raids to round up illegal aliens, and to prosecute those who hire them.

Dear Member of Congress:

I am writing today to urge you to join the over 75 other lawmakers who are demanding that Pelosi, Reid, and Obama restore the provision to the massive stimulus bill that prevents taxpayer stimulus jobs from going to illegal aliens. When 12.5 Million Americans are out of work, there is no excuse for giving Illegal Aliens over 300,000 Stimulus Jobs.

The Democratic leadership, by removing the "Buy American" and "E-verify" provisions of the stimulus bill, are sending a clear message that the American people are not who they serve. They are sending the message that foreign interests, lobbyist and Corporate America dominate Washington, not "We The People of the United States".

It is time for members of Congress who take the Constitution seriously, to demand that illegal aliens do not receive stimulus employment at taxpayer expense. We Legal Main Street Americans have escalating unemployment and foreclosures, are having trouble feeding our families, and it is simply treason to give our jobs, our health and well being to illegal alien criminals.

Please join forces across party lines to demand that no taxpayer stimulus jobs go to illegal aliens currently in America. Make E Verify the law of the land, and demand Work Place Enforcement.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Does Choosing Illegal Alien Criminals Over White Main Street Americans Make President Obama a Bigot, a Traitor, BOTH?

With each passing day President Obama's ratings are starting to plummet...once lofty poll ratings in the low 90's are now down under seventy percent, the trending lines in a steady downward decline. Is it any wonder when this supposed articulate intelligent man opts to side with Illegal Aliens, protect their jobs while 12.5 Million Americans are with out work, struggling to feed our families...time to tell Mr. Obama straight up to stop being a Bigot, and get on with the task of being the peoples president. (It is noted here, that Illegal Alien Criminals ARE NOT PART OF THE PEOPLES WE ARE TALKING ABOUT.)

Barack Obama, Bigot And Chief Shuns Main Street White Americans

The bloom is off the rose, and it turns out America's First Black President and his Black Orchid First Lady are in reality nothing more than common stink weeds, Black Bigots bent on destroying White Main Street America in the name of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, Reparations for the Black Community and Affirmative Action for all minorities (except the gays...right Mr. Obama?). Someone give me a PRAISE JESUS, and let the raping of WHITEY BEGIN. By the way Roland (Chipmunk) Martin, Reverend Al Sharpton and even Oprah, do not bother taking exception with my words or calling foul.

I know what I know, I am who I am, and no I do not have diamonds in the soles of my shoes. President Barack Hussein Obama, Mr. Harvard Law School Graduate is a Black Bigot no matter how much he wishes to hide it, no matter how much he and his Obama Zombies will want to deny it. As the expression says, "Actions speak louder than words", and though the man with the platinum tongue speaks words from the mountain top, his actions are those of a gutter snake, his agenda divisive as he sets out to destroy the Main Street America White Community in the name of Affirmative Action, in the name of correcting the Legacy of Slavery and Race Discrimination.

One would think something as important as the President's first MAJOR speech on Education would be shared before a National Audience. Instead Barack Hussein Obama today went before a quasi racist Latino Chamber of Commerce (who embraces the La Raza rally call of one race above all others, who idolizes and supports through its members the racist organization of MALDEF) to deliver said speech on Education. Talk about sending a clear signal that WHITEY CAN DIE, OUR CHILDREN CAN STARVE, he is granting AMNESTY. Has he even bothered to look at these groups agenda's, or does his desire for a permanent Democratic Majority supersede reason and justice? Take any of these three organizations platforms, and replace the word Caucasian or white for Latino, and we would be having ourselves compared to the KKK, would be under constant surveillance by the FBI, but since these groups represent Latino people, its OK. Maybe Eric Holder was speaking about the Latino Chamber of Commerce, La Raza and MALDEF when he made his "Nation of Cowards" remarks, spoke about self segregation.

It is not just this one action that has me calling the President of the United States of America a Black Bigot. We have over 12 million Americans out of work in this nation (many of them white, many of them black), many of them living in tent cities or homeless. Meanwhile, because President Obama refused to push E Verify through the Congress, over SEVEN MILLION Illegal Alien Criminals(most of them Latino) continue to be employed in jobs that rightfully belong to LEGAL CITIZENS.

Additionally, in conjunction with demon spawn Senator Reid, E Verify was again defeated, kept out of the just passed Omnibus Budget Bill because these two Brown Nosing BIGOTS are willing to sell Main Street Americans down the creek for a voting block, want to win favor with the Latino community by steering 300,000 Stimulus Jobs to Illegal Aliens.

Every segment of OBama's overly ambitious agenda is aimed AT OPPOSING THE WHITE MIDDLE CLASS, stripping us of our rights, our dignity, and our Health Care...that's right, lets be honest. Obama's Socialist Health Care Proposals would ration health care benefits to Baby Boomers (most of us White) so that those citizens under 30, and 12-25 million Illegal Aliens could have the health care they are lacking...Obama thinks it is right and just to take the dream from one man and give it to another...sorry, but that was not what Martin Luther King meant when he said, "I have a Dream".

How many of you saw one of Obama's Financial Adviser's (Mr Third Reich) testifying before Congress come right out and say that Stimulus Jobs need kept out of the hands of educated people, and WHITE CONSTRUCTION WORKERS? In that same hearing, how many hear Congressman Rangel call for FORMULAS that would accomplish exactly that, and then with a wink and a nod tells Mr. Reich not to worry about WHITEY, that we are too busy trying to survive to catch what they are up to. Of course, when all this was dragged out into the light of day, did our Black Bigot President SAY ANY THING ABOUT IT, call these two close confidants on the carpet for their sins....of course not, that whole episode was SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET, after all, we could not taint the Inauguration Celebrations of our nation's FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT with a race scandal brewing now could we?


1. Have E Verify enacted, funded and put into operation as a MANDATORY program immediately.

2. Begin serious Interior Immigration Enforcement with MASSIVE WORK PLACE RAIDS.

3. Step up Justice Department actions to deport those here Illegally.

4. Through Executive Order, eliminate instantly ALL FEDERAL FUNDING TO ORGANIZATIONS AND CITIES aiding and abetting Illegal Aliens. This would include MALDEF, La Raza, Latino Chamber of Commerce, MATT, Catholic Charities, Los Angeles, San Antonio, Houston, Phoenix, San Diego, Chicago (Cicero) and New York.

Boycott Illegal Alien Criminal Supporting Eva Longoria Of "Desparate Housewife's" Fame

Eva Longoria Vows to Protect Mexican Immigration TRANSLATION...Eva Longoria SUPPORTS AMNESTY for Illegal Alien CRIMINALS

Eva Longoria -

Opinionated and outspoken Desperate Housewives Latina starlet Eva Longoria is almost as well known for her risque sense of style as she is for her role as the oversexed nymph on the aforementioned. Now she can be known as a traitor to Main Street Americans who are out work, their jobs stolen by Illegal Aliens from Mexico and other nations. Her support of AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS (from Mexico specifically) shows she is a Mexican First, rather than a Patriotic American.

According to an article on the FOX News site, seems the nymphomaniac desparate housewife star and self professed "Latino HOTTIE" Eva Longoria wants Obama to address (specifically) Mexican short, she supports AMNESTY for the 12-25 Million Illegal Alien Criminals (most of whom are from Mexico). Since Eva Longoria supports Illegal Alien Criminals and their push for Amnesty, we can safely assume this spoiled star is fine with 12.5 Million Americans being out of work while 7 million Illegal Alien Criminals have their jobs. Tell us there Ms. Eva Longoria, "Do you support the IMMEDIATE PASSAGE of E Verify, or instead do you think it is fair to park E Verify so that 300,000 Illegal Alien Criminals can steal Stimlus Jobs that rightfully belong to LEGAL MAIN STREET CITIZENS.

Are you a Patriotic American Evan Longoria, or are you a Patriotic Mexican that just happens to be a US citizens. Putting the welfare of Illegal Alien Criminals ahead of the wellfare of your FELLOW AMERICAN CITIZENS makes you a TRAITOR TO AMERICA, and it is my hope that millions of Americans opt to Boycott any and all projects that you are or become associated with.

To the 12.5 Million out of work American Main Street families who are out of work, who are having trouble feeding your children...First, you have this blogs support and prayers, and secondly, is it people like Eva Longoria who are helping (aiding and abetting) Illegal Aliens in stealing your American Dream.

Eva Longoria wants our new president to address immigration and she’s ready to stand up and fight for her homeland of Mexico. Translated...she is not first and foremost a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN concerned for the health and well being of her fellow Main Street Americans, but instead her loyalty IS WITH MEXICO...time for the BOYCOTT!

"First things first, our country is in a really tough position right now and I think definitely immigration will be addressed and I will be there to make sure that we're protected," Longoria told Tarts at a recent party. By we're, this TRAITOR TO THE RED, WHITE and BLUE means Mexicans, as in those here in America ILLEGALLY, as in Illegal Aliens.

And is it about time we devoted our resources to our neighboring land rather than pouring funds globally? I can support this. Let's start with money to finish fencing off our Southern Border with Mexico, as GOOD FENCES MAKE GOOD NEIGHBORS. Next, lets spend some of OUR MONEY putting 50,000 Military Soldiers on our border with Mexico to SHUT DOWN THEIR DRUG TRADE, and STOP ILLEGAL ALIENS AND COYOTES from further infesting America.

"It is unfortunate that we spend so much time as Americans all over the world, and we need to really focus a lot of our energy on our front porch which is Mexico and I hope that we'll be able to bring more attention to the a lot of the poverty and illiteracy and the educational programs in Mexico," the Desperate Housewives starlet added. "I would definitely love to help, we're going to be doing a charity in Mexico City next year and we're going to gather a lot of star power from Mexico and raise a lot of money for educational programs." Here is a CLUE about Mexicans starting to take care of MEXICANS. You can start with taxes on the Rich and Elite. There is no INFRASTRUCTURE of note in Mexico because your government taxes its richest citizens at only 9.5 percent. Once you raise the taxes in Mexico to say 22 percent for your richest citizens, you can work on taking THE CRIME OUT OF YOUR have Drug Wars in Mexico because your politicians ARE CROOKS RIGHT UP THROUGH El PRESIDENTE CALDERON. Stop acting like we Americans OWE YOU, OWE MEXICO...we owe you shit, and those of your fellow Mexicans that are here in America ILLEGALLY should be DEPORTED ALONG WITH THEIR ANCHOR BABIES...OH, did I offend you? GOOD, as your support of AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS OFFENDS ME.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Calling All Legal American Citizens...The Revolution To Take Back America Has Begun...WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Picture is Illegal Aliens Marching to Demand Amnesty, and the right to KEEP YOUR JOBS
Dear Main Street American Netizens:

Immediate implementation of E Verify would keep 300,000 Good Construction Jobs out of the hands of Illegal Aliens, yet three Major Democratic Leaders (President Obama, Senator Reid and Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi) are intent on placing the well being of Illegal Aliens ahead of the Financial Well Being and Legal Rights of American Workers by pushing E Verify to the legislative abyss, wrongfully taking any and every step they can to keep it from becoming the mandatory law of the land for every American Company. We are asking you to make sure that those 300,000 jobs go to American Workers, feed American Families by sending the following simple letter TOO ALL OF YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS IN WASHINGTON DC demanding answers, asking them the simple question, where is my E Verify?

Netizens, we need a Save American Jobs Internet BRUSH FIRE with the below letter. Please post it on every message board you can find, leave it as your response to every article or discussion on E Verify or Immigration. Print off the letter and take copies of it to your church, laundry map, and grocery stores. We have LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS WHO ARE OUT OF WORK LIVING IN TENT CITIES WHILE OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS MAP OUT HOW TO GIVE 300,000 AMERICAN STIMULUS JOBS TO ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS.



Dear (Insert Elected Officials Name)

I am writing you to ask a simple question. Why are the flames of racial hatred and distrust being fanned by the Obama White House, the House of Representatives and The Senate by your collective Congressional refusal to pass E Verify. What justification is there to deliberately turn your back on Main Street Americans of all colors by leaving E Verify out of various pieces of legislation when the funding, passage and immediate implementation of E Verify would protect 300,000 American Jobs paid for with American Tax Payer Dollars through the Stimulus Bill. Why, as example, has Senator Harry Reid deliberately stonewalled Senator Sessions Amendment to the Omnibus Budget Bill which would make E Verify the law, and in the process save 300,000 Main Street American Jobs for 300,000 Legal American Citizens.

President Obama is wrongfully on record as saying, "Implementation of E Verify would cause too many Illegal Aliens to lose their jobs before we can tackle comprehensive Immigration Reform (AMNESTY)." With all due respect, 12.5 Million Legal Americans are out of work while over seven million illegal aliens have jobs in our American Economy, while Legal US Citizens who are out of work are living in Tent Cities. Simply stated, Main Street Americans CANNOT WAIT for E Verify, feeding our children and perhaps our very survival as families depends upon its immediate passage and FULL IMPLEMENTATION, depends on ICE ENFORCING OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS AS WRITTEN.

In God's name we pray, prove we are still a nation of laws by A) immediately passing E Verify, B) ordering increased Work Place Raids in the name of Enforcement, and C) if necessary, using our United States Military to Secure our American Border with Mexico.

Illegal Immigration is not a race issue, but egregious AMNESTY lobbying (La Raza, MALDEF, National Chamber of Commerce, Association of General Contractors) combined with our government's refusal to enact E Verify, to Enforce our Immigration Laws (as written), is rapidly making the issue of Illegal Immigration a racial issue, is making ordinary, law abiding, hard working, out of work Americans angry, and in their anger the Government's refusal to enact E Verify is the match threatening to take what is a law and order issue and turn it into a scorching RACE WAR as angers and frustrations become hate. Please, for the sake of race relations ,for the sake of America, and for the sake of every LEGAL WORKING AMERICAN MAIN STREET FAMILY, make E Verify the law before next weekend ( March 22, 2009).


Exposing The Obama Omnibus Budget Bill Lie For What It Is

Is the media so in love with Obama and the whole concept of the First Black President that they are unwilling to call him or his administration on scarcely concealed Donkey Dung, or are they afraid to lose their access within the White House because it is true that Obama (like Nixon) has a hit list, and some nasty short little pricks who go about exacting retribution on those that fail to adhere to the first Golden Rule of the Obama White House, "Thou Shall Not Offend, Embarrass or Question the Word of Our Black Messiah." Since I do not have access to the White House, am not a member of the White House Press Gaggle, and not rich enough, nor the right color to get an invite to Barack's, "Taxpayer's Money Wednesday Night K Street Meet and Greets With The President Dinners" guess it falls to me to call Obama and his staff out on the GREAT OBAMA OMNIBUS BUDGET BILL LIE.

For those not familiar with this Grime's Fairy Tale, the Great Lord of the Manor (that would be Obama) would have us believe it is OK for him to sign the 2009 Omnibus Budget Bill because it's OLD BUSINESS that is LEFT OVER from the previous administration. We really do need one of those little obnoxious geeky first or second grade kids to be leaping up and down waving his arms in front of the White House screaming, "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" as this is the biggest fabrication and misrepresentation of facts since...well, the AIG bailout (you can choose any one of the three as a reference).

Yesterday, in another attempt to sell the party line that Obama should sign the Pork Laden Omnibus Bill, the White House sent a short little Leprechaun (the White House seems to have an Army of short little pricks with forked tongues on staff)over to CNN to appear on,"State of The Nation" with a GREAT SPORTS ANALOGY to pitch the party line that the Omnibus Budget Bill was old business. He argues (unsuccessfully I might add) that the White House and President Obama had little choice but to support/sign the $410 billion omnibus spending bill as presented to them, because it was inherited from the previous administration, rightfully should be seen as George W. Bush's Budget Bill, Bush's LEGACY. (This is where Peter Orszag supposedly brilliant BASEBALL ANALOGY comes in.)

"This is like your relief pitcher coming into the ninth inning and wanting to redo the whole game," Orszag said. "Next year we're going to be the starting pitcher, and the game's going to be completely different."

Let's Point out a few things here:

1. The Omnibus Bill is still being argued about and discussed in the Senate Chambers as this article is being written. In fact, one of the reason why the Omnibus Budget Bill was/is being held up, you as Americans deserve to know about.

The Republicans threatened to Filibuster the Omnibus Budget Bill if Senator (Adolph Hitler) Reid did not let them introduce some amendments. When Reid could not muster his 60 votes (he had 59), he agreed to keep discussion of the Omnibus Bill open for a few days. Now, one of the Amendments that the Republicans WANT TO ADD to the Omnibus Spending Bill is being introduced by Senator Sessions. He is bravely trying to get E Verify approved and funded for five years as a part of this Stimulus Bill.

For those of you who are not familiar with E Verify, it is the system tested and proved to be over 99 percent effective that Department of Homeland Security uses to keep Illegal Aliens from being wrongfully employed (especially on projects and work sites that are being funded through our Federal Taxes). E Verify if made mandatory for all Federal Contractors would INSTANTLY put some FOUR MILLION Illegal Aliens out of their ill gotten jobs, and see FOUR MILLION LEGAL MAIN STREET AMERICANS employed in their places. Some very unsavory characters OPPOSE this bill, or oppose its passage until after Illegal Aliens have been granted AMNESTY, thus allowing them to KEEP YOUR JOBS...did you follow all that.

Now some of the suspects who opposed E Verify you would expect. We have the National Chamber of Commerce, The Association of General Contractors and even the American Nursery & Landscape Association is opposing E Verify in the name of Cheap Wages. They are in the camp that oppose passage of E Verify, at least until 12-25 Million Illegal Alien Criminals have been granted Amnesty (the so called earned citizenship), and they as organizations have written into the law a very liberal GUEST WORKER PROGRAM to keep the Cheap Wages Wagon rolling down the highway. You then have the Pro Illegal Alien, they are Undocumented Citizens camp that includes La Raza, MALDEF and the Catholic Church all demanding AMNESTY for these poor mistreated and misunderstood Workers Without Papers who are just looking for a job (as in your job) that also oppose E Verify unless it is HITCHED to an AMNESTY BILL that allows seven million illegal aliens to keep their jobs while over 12 million LEGAL AMERICAN citizens are out of work.

The big shocker though...seems that Senator Reid and President Obama ALSO OPPOSE E Verify being hitched to the Omnibus Spending Bill. In fact, it was Reid who had it stripped out of the Stimulus Bill because the President had said its inclusion in any Bill before he and Congress had dealt with Comprehensive Immigration Reform (AMNESTY) would cause too many Illegal Aliens to lose their jobs. So, if any of you Main Street Americans reading this are now fully outraged, this would be a GREAT TIME to call/email your Senators demanding passage of Senator Sessions E Verify Amendment to the Omnibus Budget Bill.

2. It is disingenuous for the White House to claim this Omnibus Spending Bill is not Obama's. First, the bill is NOT PASSED INTO LAW, is still subject to change and/or revision. More importantly, said Omnibus Budget was crafted and written AFTER OBAMA had been elected in a House and Senate that ALREADY had a Democratic Majority.

3. Obama as the newly elected President and his TRANSITION TEAM played a key part in CRAFTING THIS OMNIBUS SPENDING BILL.

Now I can understand why President Obama wants us to buy into his lie, wants us to look at this Omnibus Budget Bill as George W Bush's last parting gift. First are the 8,500 Earmarks (That's PORK folks, the other White Meat of healthy politicians every where). Secondly, the entire BILL is PORK meant to repay Campaign Promises, and buy the support of every single sector of the Federal case you are not aware of it, this Omnibus Budget Bill in a time of CRISIS gives almost every single sector of the Federal Government an EIGHT PERCENT SPENDING RAISE over and above the 8500 Pork Barrel Projects that have been in the news. Even MORE EGREGIOUS, is this Omnibus Budget gives CONGRESS ITSELF a HALF BILLION Dollar, 11 percent increase in their own budget that includes raises FOR ALL STAFF MEMBERS, and $40,000 personal expense accounts to many of our members of Congress.

It's no wonder the White House wants the public to perceive this Omnibus Package of PORK George W. Bush's parting gift. Barack Obama knows we would be howling in the streets if THIS WAS HIS OMNIBUS SPENDING BILL...but wait, IT IS HIS BILL. He needs to KEEP HIS PROMISE to Americans on Main Street by demanding a ten percent cut in the entire Budget, demanding that all Earmarks be removed, demand that E Verify be included in the bill, or he will VETO IT. As to the press...THE HONEYMOON IS OFFICIALLY DECLARED OVER...start doing your jobs. By the way President Obama...your slight of hand distraction in signing an executive order on Embryonic Stem Cell Research is NOT WORKING.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Main Street, Can You Afford Obama's Three Assistant Treasury Nominees? They ARE NOT CHANGE!

In breaking news from Bloomberg News (and other sources) is the fact that President Obama has named three Assistant Treasury folks...if you are looking for CHANGE, these three picks are not it. Let us first start off with sleaze bag former CHIEF POLITICAL ANALYSIS FOR LEHMAN BROTHERS (yes, the BANKRUPT Lehman Brothers) during the George W. Bush years Kim Wallace. Talk about a Washington INSIDER of the WORST KIND, and to top it off, a part of one of Wall Street's firms that SCREWED MAIN STREET AMERICANS out of our retirement money. If you want to know what kind of a sleazy dirt bag individual Kim is, you only need to look at readily available Campaign donations.

Kim Wallace is a shrewd operator, one of those SNAKES that plays both sides to the middle so that when the dust has settled, Kim Wallace is there to COLLECT on FAVORS OWED. On May 30th, 2007 (against FED RULES AND REGULATIONS) Kim Wallace apparently donated $2300 to Obama, and $4600 to Obama. Surely that deserves some investigation before MOVING FORWARD. In August of 2007 Kim tossed another $250 too Obama, but in September of 2007 apparently made the decision that Clinton was still a very serious contender, as Kim tossed Hillary Clinton $2300 in campaign donations. (That position at the now DEFUNCT Lehman Brothers must have been paying REALLY WELL.) In early 2008 Kim tossed another $250 to Obama. Curious here, where is the CHANGE that President Obama promised us? Can you get any more K-Street, business as usual nominations that what we see in this simple review of (only some) Kim Wallace's campaign donations?

As if this were not bad enough, Kim Wallace was also acting (presumably for pay) as a Presidential Campaign Analysis of sorts. Lets take a look at her on the air interview:

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 (Seventeen days after Kim donated more funds to Obama.)

SUSIE GHARIB: Today is the biggest primary day in U.S. history and it could be a defining one for the 2008 presidential race. Joining us now for analysis of what to expect, Kim Wallace, chief political strategist at Lehman Brothers. Hi, Kim.


GHARIB: So by tomorrow morning will we have a clear cut nominee for the Democrats and the Republicans?

WALLACE: I doubt it. I think by noon you'll know who won most of the delegates in the counting for today, but my sense is that the contest is going to go on through at least the first quarter, especially on the Democratic side, possibly on the Republican side.

GHARIB: Kim, as the nation's economic situation worsens, does that play in favor of any particular candidate?

WALLACE: Not really because all the candidates will soon be addressing the economy. On the Republican side, they've been slow to separate themselves from the Bush economic policies of the past six years, but my expectation is that will change quickly. On the Democratic side they've been talking about economic stimulus programs, but nothing like the magnitude that's being discussed in Washington now.

GHARIB: But in terms of any specific plans, we're seeing polls every day coming out saying that Americans are so concerned about the economy. Will we start getting some specifics from the candidates on their economic plans?

WALLACE: I doubt it. The piece you had in front of this interview shows why. Whether you're talking about the state of Maine or the state of Michigan, the jobs that are being lost or devalued are very difficult for Washington to address from the policy standpoint of fiscal tools.

GHARIB: Go ahead. Elaborate a little bit more on that.

WALLACE: It's just very difficult to confront what's going on in the global marketplace from Washington, DC through fiscal policy and hope to reverse the effects of the global marketplace in a short period of time. NOTICE FOLKS THAT Kim does not talk about Main Street Americans, but instead is talking about FISCAL POLICY THAT WILL REVERSE THE EFFECTS OF THE GLOBAL MARKETPLACE! In short, Wallace is a World Trade Organization, Pro China, Pro Free Trade, CHEAP LABOR Pro Illegal Alien, OPEN BORDERS, LIBERAL GUEST WORKER PLAN Elitist who cares less if the Average Middle Class American is hurting. This should tell a whole lot of Average OUT OF WORK Democrats living on Main Street a whole lot about who OBAMA REALLY IS.

GHARIB: So you don't see the candidates even addressing any issues like what to do about housing?

WALLACE: Well, they've started talking about housing, but not in a significant way. The administration has taken the lead there and thus far the administration has signaled that it's going to approach the housing situation by continuing to encourage the Fed to cut the Federal funds rate, to reform the FHA, the Federal Housing Authority and to also increase the loan limits at Fannie, Freddie and the FHA, so that people hopefully can refinance their loans at a better rate. TALK ABOUT MISSED OPPORTUNITY! Kim Wallace based on campaign contributions already HAD OBAMA's EAR, yet DID NOTHING.

GHARIB: Usually there is a candidate that Wall Street and corporate America really favors. Is there someone this time that is a clear-cut person that Wall Street would like to see get elected?

WALLACE: I don't think there's any one clear-cut. They all appeal to the market in different ways. In terms of just pure market and economics, probably former Governor Romney would be the favorite of most of the Republicans in the market, but as I said before,, all of the candidates have a piece of Wall Street to which they appeal.

GHARIB: Well, just a little bit more about Mitt Romney. What it is about him that the business world finds attractive?

WALLACE: Two aspects of his life. I think one, his experience in the capital markets as a bank consultant, and then two, his chief executive experience in the state of Massachusetts and then his ability to manage the winter Olympics out of Salt Lake City.

GHARIB: What are you telling your clients and investors of how to handicap this election?

WALLACE: Don't bet early. One of the beautiful aspects of the 2008 electoral process is that it's wide open. We don't have an incumbent from the White House, that is a sitting president or vice president running on the ticket for the first time since 1952 on either side. That means that the candidates have had to go through a grueling process of introducing themselves, discussing some of the ideas that they'd like to implement when they get to the White House and exposing themselves to the process that we've seen unfold since Iowa. It's been very exacting. (Don't bet EARLY unless you can afford to bet ON EVERY HORSE you think has a chance. Just look at the Campaign Contributions...THIS IS CHANGE OBAMA?)

GHARIB: All right. Thank you so much, Kim. We really appreciate you coming on the program.

WALLACE: Thank you, Susie.

GHARIB: My guest tonight, Kim Wallace, chief political strategist at Lehman Brothers.

Everyone needs to visit the White House web site and leave Obama an email demanding that Kim Wallace be DROPPED as one of his Assistant Treasury Secretaries...enough of the political nepotism, business as usual, favor repaying POLITICS AS NORMAL. Obama promised us change, and Kim Wallace is NOT CHANGE...where is Sean Hannity? Not fond of him, or FOX, but this is RIGHT UP HIS ALLEY!

Next we have the Ivory Tower Egg Head, Alan B. Krueger. All we have to say to know this is the WORST KIND OF FAVOR REPAYING NEPOTISM is Mac Author Foundation, Dearborn St. in Chicago Illinois. That's right folks, Alan B. Krueger is one of those Brie eating FAR LEFT Chablis drinkers that thinks all the world's ills can be fixed if Main Street Americans (WHITE ONES) just keep sacrificing in the name of Affirmative Action and Equality while him and his cronies get rich...what does Mac Author do you might ask...they love giving away/awarding GRANTS, especially to preserve LOW INCOME (think section eight) rental housing. If you visit the Mac Author web site, you find out that they have $68 Million dollars (ALREADY) for FORECLOSURE MITIGATION. OK, here is a question that Alan B should have to answer. Mr. Krueger, can you assure the American people that none of the money given away by Mac Author has gone to, or benefited Illegal Aliens? (Include Cicero in your answer there Alan!)

It is not just homeowners and their families who are affected by the foreclosure crisis. As many as one-third of foreclosed properties are multifamily units, putting renters in jeopardy when building owners can no longer afford their mortgages. In some cases, renters have been evicted without legally required notice, losing security deposits, incurring moving expenses, and being forced to double up. Read this quote from the Mac Author web site carefully...grants should go to help ABSENTEE LANDLORDS keep their homes so that Illegal Aliens can keep their apartments is how I read it.

Our DEAR Alan is also on the board of the Russel Sage if you want to talk about a Foundation TAINTED WITH WALL STREET MONEY, this is it.

The Russell Sage Foundation was founded in 1907 by Margaret O. Sage as a memorial to her husband, the prominent politician and Wall Street financier who had died in 1906.

It is rather interesting, that the original building for this charity that was built as a Memorial to this man was sold to Catholic know, the SAME CATHOLIC CHARITIES that aid and abet Illegal Aliens (the seven million of them holding jobs that belong to Main Street Americans), is pushing (along with the National Chamber of Commerce) a AMNESTY AGENDA under the guise of Earned Citizenship and Comprehensive Immigration Reform. It would seem I have laid out enough information right here for organizations such as ALIPAC and FAIR to rally their troops to stop this nomination!

We still have to deal with David Cohen, but the hour grows late, so for now will simply paste up some back ground info on Mr. the way, I encourage EVERY AMERICAN to interview Alan since he is being paid with our taxes. You can email him here.

Alan B. Krueger Bendheim Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University

He has published widely on the economics of education, terrorism, labor demand, income distribution, social insurance, labor market regulation and environmental economics. Since 1987 he has held a joint appointment in the Economics Department and Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. He is the founding Director of the Princeton University Survey Research Center and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). He is the author of What Makes A Terrorist: Economics and the Roots of Terrorism and Education Matters: A Selection of Essays on Education, and co-author of Myth and Measurement: The New Economics of the Minimum Wage, and co-author Inequality in America: What Role for Human Capital Policies? He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Russell Sage Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, and the American Institutes for Research. He is a member of the editorial board of Science, and was editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives from 1996 to 2002 and co-editor of the Journal of the European Economic Association from 2003-05. In 1994-95 he served as Chief Economist at the U.S. Department of Labor. He is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the International Economic Association and serves as chief economist for the National Council on Economic Education. He was named a Sloan Fellow in Economics in 1992 and an NBER Olin Fellow in 1989-90. He was elected a Fellow of the Econometric Society in 1996, a fellow of the Society of Labor Economists in 2005 and a member of the Executive Committee of the American Economic Association in 2004. He was awarded the Kershaw Prize by the Association for Public Policy and Management in 1997 (for distinguished contributions to public policy analysis by someone under the age of 40) and Mahalanobis Memorial Medal by the Indian Econometric Society in 2001. In 2002 he was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and in 2003 he was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. He was awarded the IZA Prize in Labor Economics with David Card in 2006. From March 2000 to March 2006 he was a regular contributor to the "Economic Scene" column in the New York Times. He received a B.S. degree (with honors) from Cornell University's School of Industrial & Labor Relations in 1983, an A.M. in Economics from Harvard University in 1985, and a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University in 1987.


His Boring Self Important Blog

Member Board of Directors, MacArthur Foundation, June 2008 - present.
Member Board of Trustees, Russell Sage Foundation, November 2004 - present.
Member Board of Directors, American Institutes for Research, October 1, 2002 - present.
Elected Member of the Executive Committee, American Economic Association, 2005 - 07

Tell Napolitano Too Keep Her and Homeland Security's Hands Off of Twitter

For those that might have missed it, Pro Illegal Alien loving Janet (BULLDOG) Napolitano who is unfortunately in charge of the Department of Homeland Security (talk about an oxymoron with her running it) wants to steal TWITTER for her departments use during a National Emergency (think Hurricane Katrina, or a terrorist attack at Entergy's failing Indian Point nuclear reactors that are leaking tritium 24 miles up the Hudson River from Manhattan). Let's not kid ourselves folks...once she and our Federal Government TAINT TWITTER by having anything to do with it, we might as well walk away and find a new means of rapid communication exchange, civic organization and deployment. Contact the Department of Homeland Security today and tell Janet to keep her hands off of long as you are dropping her a note, tell her she needs to DO HER JOB by actually ENFORCING OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS, which means work place enforcement.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Bulldog Napolitano The Major Bow Wow of DHS


Rod Lamkey Jr./The Washington Times
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano takes a two-day tour of the Gulf Coast region affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said the nation's disaster-response teams and federal agencies learned valuable lessons from mistakes made during Hurricane Katrina, adding that her department may use text messages and Twitter to help with preparedness.

Ms. Napolitano told The Washington Times in an exclusive interview Friday that disaster-readiness is a "never-ending process" because each one brings a unique set of challenges.

"Every forest fire I had in Arizona during my time as governor, I learned from," Ms. Napolitano said a few minutes after a helicopter tour of the region alongside Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour.

Three months before the start of hurricane season, The Times asked Ms. Napolitano during her tour of recovery efforts along the Gulf Coast whether the nation is prepared for another large-scale disaster.

Main Americans Want Mortgage Mark Down Or We Walk From Upside Down Mortgages

Congress has passed a Cram Down Bill which would allow many Americans, who through no fault of their own are now in UPSIDE DOWN MORTGAGES, to use the bankruptcy courts to have their mortgage principal and/or interest rates reduced. The banks who have received TRILLIONS in Bailout Out assistance compliments of our tax dollars oppose the bill. Because of Wall Street greed, stupidity and out right criminal behavior, America is in the worst Real Estate Meltdown since the Great Depression, and so far there is NO HELP for those of us on Main Street who have done nothing, except play by the rules. Our Home Equity has been destroyed, our 401K Retirement Accounts devastated because of the wrongful acts of criminals (including Illegal Aliens and the National Chamber of Commerce) on Wall Street, and corrupted politicians in Washington who are owned by K Street Lobbyist.

Main Street Revolution News is encouraging ALL AMERICANS who have lost equity in their homes through the criminal behaviors of Wall Street and the Banking Industry to contact your elected officials in Washington DC with an ultimatum. Give us a THIRTY PERCENT WRITE DOWN ON OUR MORTGAGES, GIVE US 4.5 PERCENT MORTGAGES through refinancing, OR WE ARE WALKING FROM OUR HOMES WITH THEIR UPSIDE DOWN MORTGAGES, ALLOWING THEM TO GO INTO FORECLOSURE.

Here is the scoop Main Street Americans...Wall Street,K Street and Obama are counting on us griping a lot, but digging in and taking it on the chin for the good of the country. NOT THIS TIME! It is imperative that we draw a line in the sand, and we cannot allow 75 Million Boomers who have played by the rules now for some 40 years to be cheated out of their/our retirements. For the Boomers, for ourselves the time has come to draw that line in the sand, time to tell Washington DC they do right by us, or we WILL CRASH THE ECONOMY. Do not kid yourselves, we are in a Us or Them crisis, and it is imperative at this time for Main Street Legal American citizens to close ranks, to stand strong against Illegal Aliens, Against Crooks on Wall Street, and against politicians in Washington DC (including Obama) who have lost their way.
Mortgage ‘Cram-Down’ Bankruptcy Bill May Aid 1 Million in U.S.

By Dawn Kopecki

March 6 (Bloomberg) -- At least 1 million Americans would be able to use bankruptcy to reduce mortgage payments under legislation approved by the House yesterday, part of Democratic efforts to stem a crisis that has erased more than $2.4 trillion in home values.

The so-called cram-down bill would allow federal judges to lengthen terms, cut interest rates and reduce mortgage balances of bankrupt homeowners. It also would permanently increase the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.’s coverage of bank deposits to $250,000. The measure, which passed the House 234-191, now goes to the Senate.

The bankruptcy provision is opposed by the banking industry and most Republicans, who said it would further destabilize home prices. President Barack Obama and a majority of Democrats backed using bankruptcy as a last resort for homeowners facing default or foreclosure in the worst housing meltdown since the Great Depression.

“There is broad agreement that until we begin to stem the tide of foreclosures, you will not get an end to the current crisis” in the economy, Representative Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said on the House floor.

Democratic leaders had pulled the measure from consideration last week amid opposition from industry organizations including the American Bankers Association. (rest of story)

Unapologetically Main Street Middle Class

Welcome to the first post from Main Street Revolution News, a blog that comes in hard and fast with views from the heartland of America on the political hot topics of the day with an unapologetic Pro Main Street, Buy American, Protectionist, Anti Illegal Alien perspective and point of view.

1. Main Street Revolution News supports the elimination of Affirmative Action which is a government sanctioned form of racism against White People. Equal Rights does not mean special rights. (For all those this position will upset...get over it, I voted for Obama, but that does not mean I should support a government sanctioned oppression of my rights under the guise of correcting the Legacy of Slavery.)

2. Main Street Revolution News Supports immediate enactment of E Verify, believes it should be mandatory for all businesses operating in America for both their current and future employees. Further, E Verify SHOULD NOT be tied to Immigration Reform, which we oppose. Granting 12 Million Illegal Alien Criminals job security as the cost of giving Main Street Americans E Verify is simply blackmail on the part of the National Chamber of Commerce, La Raza and MALDEF and is unacceptable.

3. Main Street Revolution News OPPOSES Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, and we further encourage all Main Street Americans to GET LOUD AND PROUD in letting Washington DC hear our UNITED outrage...the time for Enforcement of our Immigration Laws as written is upon us.

We have over 12 Million Law Abiding American Citizens out of work, yet seven million Illegal Alien Criminals have jobs in our American Economy. Our Federal Government and Law Enforcement refusal to deal aggressively in deporting Illegal Aliens IS TREASON Against America, and on some level a deliberate Main Street Genocide that cannot be tolerated any longer.

4. For those who think this is a radical Right Wing Hate Site...guess again. This blog's publisher supports Gay Marriage, believes California was wrong on Prop 8, hopes the California courts reach the right and only decision on the issue, which is rule in favor of Gay Marriage. Equal Rights is why we oppose Affirmative Action, Equal Rights is why we SUPPORT Gay Marriage.

Abortion...the fewer abortions the better, but that said, it should be a woman's personal decision between her and her God, we as a nation must ALWAYS support the right to Freedom of Choice. The rabid Religious Right really needs to stop trying to Legislate Their Morality on the rest of us.

Embryonic Stem Cell Research...we support Obama's lifting of the funding ban, and hope Congress will resolve the issue long term.

If foul language offends you, it is suggested that this blog might not be for you. This is not a PC blog, and further we believe political correctness is at the heart of America's problems. Perhaps if we passionately get down in the gutter and argue things out we can begin finding some real solutions. Illegal Aliens...FUCK THEM, they are criminals, and if MALDEF, La Raza and the ACLU disagree, then lets take the gloves off and sling some mud on the issue, rather than trying to win them Amnesty by giving Illegal Aliens safe little Politically Correct labels like Undocumented Workers...FUCK THAT SHIT, they are Illegal Alien Criminals who ARE STEALING AMERICAN jobs! Eric Holder calling us COWARDS! Yes, that FROSTED MY ASS! Trillions of dollars for Wall Street while 75 Million Boomers are losing their ability to retire is BULLSHIT, so why say otherwise?

In closing, we believe it is the duty and responsibility of EVERY LEGAL AMERICAN to exercise their Second Amendment Rights by owning at least one weapon, and having adequate munitions on hand to secure the safety of your home and property for a period of at least 14 days. *Note-fifteen days is the amount of time the CDC web site believes citizens could be ordered Sheltered in Place in the case of a terrorist attack or significant attack at one of America's aging and unsafe nuclear reactors such as Entergy's aging Indian Point Reactors that recently had a MAJOR TRITIUM LEAK ACCIDENT that the NRC is trying to sweep under the carpet as they attempt to rubber stamp the License Renewal Application of this trouble plagued reactor site.

We hope you visit Main Street Revolution frequently, and please...bring your friends. If you would like to be a contributing write here at Main Street Revolution News, or would like to make a financial contribution to our efforts, please email Main Street Revolution.